Our Story

Hi Earthlovers! I'm Serina, the founder of the seasonal subscription box Earthlove 🌿
I'm the founder and manager of Spirit Wild Farm, a sustainable farm and natural apiary in Washington State, which aims to cultivate a more holistic life within my local community. Earthlove is an outward growth of our farm philosophy. As our post-industrial society continues to push us toward longer hours spent in offices, cars, and in front of screens of all shapes and sizes (much like this one!), we know deep down that this isn’t how we are meant to live. Earthlove aims to bring more nature into our lives by not only curating botanicals, wildcrafted & organic, and nature-inspired goods for the wild at heart, but also providing tips for enriching your connection to the natural world.
By living sustainbly and eco-consciously, we can become re-acquainted with the land, live with her rhythms, and help conserve the earth for future generations. A portion of each purchase will be donated to a different nature-based cause each season so that we give back to the lands and ecosystems that nourish us.